How to choose security camera for apartment?

 Video quality

Many customers prefer 4K cameras, which is why they are quite hard to find. However, a device with 1080p resolution can capture detailed, high-quality video that can be transmitted over a standard wireless network.

Wide angle lens

The wide-angle lens gives you a panoramic view, giving you a full picture of what's happening in your apartment. Camera quay lén When compiling our review, we tested cameras that don't pan or tilt and have a 105-180 degree viewing angle.

Night vision

When choosing the best security camera for an apartment, we recommend choosing one with a night vision option, allowing you to record video in a dark room. Some models even have color night vision, but in most cases a black and white photo is enough. Keep in mind that such cameras have a shorter operating range than other models.

Two-way talk

Cameras equipped with microphones and speakers are a great option for alerting intruders or commanding your dog to get off the sofa when you're not home.


All models described in our review are equipped with motion alerts. They will send you an audio notification once motion is detected. This function can also detect smoke or a crying baby. camera chống trộm

Continuous recording

Most cameras divide the recording into several segments for easier management. If the subject continues to move, some models will continue to record, but most devices have a "reset" period, so some moments will not be recorded.


If you want to have a beautiful skin, you must start by eating fruits that are rich in vitamin C

In order for us to have a healthy and beautiful skin, we must start from nourishing the skin inside. with nutritious food such as eating fruit Because fruit is a very high source of vitamin C. This will help nourish skin that is radiant, bright, hydrated and healthy looking. If anyone wants to have beautiful healthy skin like this Must eat the following fruits that are rich in vitamin C


It is rich in vitamin C and lycopene. This will help prevent the deterioration of skin cells. Slows down skin aging and deep grooves. Eating fresh tomatoes regularly will help protect your skin from sun damage.


Rich in high vitamin C and fiber to help with good digestion, brighten skin, help detoxify the body. and boost collagen in the skin Makes the skin not dry, rough, looks hydrated.


Contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, manganese and many more. These vitamins and minerals help fight free radicals in the body. Slows down wrinkles and helps slow down the aging process Potassium and manganese in pineapple also helps to strengthen bones and teeth.


Fruit helps to calm the heat in the body. Low calorie Suitable for people who want to lose weight. Watermelon contains lycopene. Helps fight free radicals Reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. The vitamins and minerals in watermelon also help maintain healthy skin and hair.

In addition to this five-fruit tray, there are other fruits. Helps nourish bright skin Want beautiful, smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Eat this nutritious fruit! Guarantee that you will benefit more than having a beautiful skin.


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